“The BRIDGES program is a great program that provides great information to use to move your business forward.”
Karl F Thorndyke
“Excellent training program”
Michael Sellers
“BRIDGESS is an excellence training program for small business owners. I learn valuable information on how to run, grow and position my business for success. Program improvements, have the class folder and E-mail more comparable. Have deadlines and announcements e-mailed. As a very small business owner time is always limited and a factor. Thanks for all your help and support.”
Michael Bates
“The training is excellent. I am very happy to have participated in this program.”
Miguel Guajardo
“I appreciated the training, it allowed me to brush up on some old skills and learn new ones.”
Vivian Solodkin
“It is a lot of information in a small amount of time and an excellent tool for construction-type companies who are in the infant stages of starting out. Each week, the various speakers & experts and the group you’ve compiled has been great – including but not limited to CPA, Attorney, banking/bonding, SBA, certifications, regulations, contracting, marketing, presentation, and other professionals etc. Our company WISHED we had this several years ago when we first started the business. We learned about most of the topics in the class over the years the hard way
Luis Reyes
“This program helped me to keep my employees working and to add two more employees. The program also made us work as a team with other contractors/subcontractors we met during the training.”
Marilupe Chavez
“The BRIDGES program was a very rewarding program for me personally, it open doors to the RNLA successful program. It provided a clear view and understanding of business, marketing and capability plans. I believe that these are the types of programs a state or country needs to create jobs, for a healthier economy. Thank you to all the sponsors and the creators of this program.”
Aurora Gim
“Fantastic Program!”